Friday, August 20, 2010

Tha ish: Days 9-12 of embracing my natural hair- aka "I miss my extensions!"

The uncomfortable feeling that I had on Monday pretty much spilled over the entire week. I had major hair issues. I wasn’t really feeling the style I was sporting, (sorry ma—my mom twisted my hair for me), but I had to keep it because I had no time (or skillz) to do anything else, and I also thought my frustration was part of the process of understanding my natural hair. My hair won’t look the way I want it to all the time, and that’s something that gets a little frustrating. At least I know which styles I like and suit me, and which styles I plan on never wearing again!!

I came thisclose to getting my hair flat ironed, but I didn’t want to give in and punk out. I need to embrace my nappy hair!

I did get lots of encouragement from a friend who is also a natural girl. She gave me a daily dose of support and tons of product knowledge on the various products out there for black hair. Thanks OQ!

I plan on rocking my fro for the last week of my challenge. (psst 21 day challenge of being extension free officially ends on August 29th, 2010. I miss my old style (I wear my hair in twists with the aid of extensions), but I like wearing my own hair. I like the way it feels, the way it smells. Even though it drives me crazy when it does the things it does (FYI black hair is probably the only hair that shrinks!!!! ), I definitely love my hair.

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