Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Tha ish: Day 2 of being extension free

I didn’t have to work today, so I didn’t do much with my hair. I had to run a few errands, so I rocked an afro puff. I like the look, but not on me. Whenever I wear an afro puff, I always end up looking like I’m eleven years old.

When I came home, I asked my mom to braid my hair again (she cornrowed it on Sunday night. Yes, I know, I need to learn how to braid my hair!).

Natural hair is beautiful but the maintenance is a killer. I must spritz my hair daily with water and a leave in conditioner, and I must, must, must braid it at night. If I don’t, I will have a head full of tangles.

Yeah, I’m kinda missing the extensions today. I used to get up, take a shower and be ready to leave in a matter of minutes, now I have to decide the night before how I plan to wear my hair. Oh well.

p.s. I have to thank O. Q for providing me with unrefined shea butter for my hair. My hair loved it!!!! Also thanks for indulging me in talking about hair products, hair styles and natural hair care websites. I need all the help I can get!

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