Sunday, November 16, 2008

Tha ish: Colour in the White house

I spoke about how happy I am that Obama won, but I didn't get a chance to write about it on my blog. Sorry for the delay.Here's a few words...

I am not an American (I hail from Toronto, Canada), but I am EXTREMELY happy that Obama has been elected as the new President of the United States. He is eloquent, intelligent, and a man who wants to make a positive change. For those reasons, I am happy that he is the new President.

It also warms my heart to know that the new president is a person of colour. I never thought in my wildest dreams that I would witness that. I am completely happy and proud. It gives hope to those who think that they can’t achieve anything because of “barriers” in their way (race, gender, etc). I am so happy that so many Americans chose to elect him.

I was on the cruise with my family when we found out, and it was hard for us to hold back our excitement. Even though we do not live in the states, we are still happy for him and support him fully.

Congratulations, Obama!

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