Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Tha ish: Telephone- Lady Gaga feat. Beyonce

Have you seen Lady Gaga’s video for her song Telephone? I heard some of the buzz surrounding it but I quickly dismissed it as a callabo gone wrong. Honestly, Beyonce and Gaga on the same track? I already heard, and watched the video for Video Phone—Beyonce featuring Lady Gaga and I wish that I could have those 4 minutes back.

I asked my sister a couple weeks ago if she’d seen Lady Gaga’s latest video and she said that she did, but couldn’t describe it. She suggested that I see if for myself. Curiosity got the better of me and I immediately picked up my laptop and went onto YouTube.

I located the video and was surprised that it was a 9 minute video. Having the attention span of a 5 year, I thought that it would be damn near impossible for me to sit still for 9 whole minutes!

I parked myself in my comfy computer chair and got ready for the video. Within a few short seconds I knew that I was watching the coolest video (mini movie) I have seen in a VERY LONG TIME. Crazy yes, but oh so very entertaining!

The opening jail scene was hilarious. Seriously, who saunters into jail wearing haute couture? Only, Lady Gaga! I could not stop laughing at some of the outfits she wore. I love her creative genius.

The following car scene where she meets up with Beyonce is equally comical. Is it me or does she look heavily sedated? I think her eyes were closed for at least 2 minutes! LOL! Either way, I enjoyed her not so witty banter with Bey.

I also liked the sadistically humorous diner scene with Tyrese (he played the mean boyfriend), and the outrageous dance scenes throughout the video.

As I said earlier, the video felt more like a mini movie. The frenetic editing and the slow motion action scenes were reminiscent of a few Quentin Tarantino flicks. I was seriously wondering if Samuel Jackson would show up dancing in some of the scenes!

Overall, I love, love this video and now I am a total fan of the song.

p.s. I loved how they paid homage to Thelma and Louise at the end. Too cool!

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