Thursday, November 19, 2009

Tha ish: Barbados

I promise that I will stop reminiscing about my recent trip. Not sure when that will happen, but I’m sure it will ; )

As much as I fell head over heels in love with the visually stunning island of St. Lucia—the other highlight of my vacation took place in Barbados.

When my mom and I were deciding on what sites to see in Barbados, I pointed out to my mom that it was imperative that I see the slave huts. They are replicas of the living quarters for slaves that lived in Barbados.

I had to see it. Being a black woman, I owed it to myself to see it.

And there it was. It was on the last scheduled stop of our off-shore excursion. There were a few replica slave huts and rows of chattel houses. I felt like tears were ready to start streaming down my face.

Slave Hut

Chattel Home

The tour guide led us into one of the chattel houses and really let us explore it. I practically rushed the crowd. I really wanted to see with my own eyes how my ancestors were forced to live. I took a million pics. I needed to take a piece of my history back home with me.

After snapping the pictures, we hopped on our bus and we were on our way to the cruise ship. Not sure if seeing the slave quarters affected anyone else as it did me. I’m just grateful that I got to see it.

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