Monday, September 6, 2010

Tha ish: Let’s Talk About Pep

Now that I am back to writing about the random things I like, I thought about mentioning my new obsession with the reality show—Let’s Talk About Pep.

Not sure when this show first aired, but I have recently gotten into it.... and love it!!!!

The show focuses around Pep, a.k.a Pepa (from Salt-n-Pepa) who's been celibate for 4 years and is finally ready to enter the dating world and eventually get some.

The show also includes her BFFs Joumana, Kittie and Jacque, who are also on the lookout for a man. They all meet up once a week to update each other on the dates that they’ve been on. It’s basically the “urban” version of Sex and the City!

I looove this show because each week I get to see them flirt with countless men and go on a bunch of wild dates (I’m sooooo living vicariously through them.) Some dated bad boys, a guy with a foot/toe fetish, and one guy’s hair actually caught on fire during a date with Pep!

Even though the show is called Let’s Talk About Pep, my fave character is Kittie. She’s bold, in your face, and very much in control of her sexy—very Samantha Jones. I don’t know anyone like her, but she would be a lot of fun to hang out with!

Anyways, check some episodes here and let me know what you think!

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