Friday, January 8, 2010

Tha ish: Forever, Drake f/Kanye West, Lil Wayne & Eminem

Man, I love it when you hear a song and it triggers a fun memory.

Last night I downloaded Forever from Drake..... just because. I wanted some new music and I randomly chose that song. Okay, it wasn’t totally by chance; I actually like the song, but I wasn’t planning on buying the single. But once I found a clean version (I can’t handle listening to all that profanity), I bought it.

As I was getting ready for work this morning, I heard Forever blasting from my ipod speakers. It immediately reminded me of New Years Eve. I went to a hotel party with one of my fave cousins and I seriously got my party on. I killed the dance floor (or so I think) and I distinctly remember dancing to Drake’s song (well, I sorta remember. I unfortunately indulged in a little too much a-a-a-alcohol!). A huuuge smile formed on my face as I heard the song. It made me remember the great time that I had partying with my cousin. I only get to see my cousin once a year, so I was trying to savour each moment with her. Thanks for the fun night out, S.B!! I miss you!! : (

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