Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Tha ish: Lady Gaga

Instead of talking about the foolishness that went down at the 2009 VMAs, I decided to focus on one of the cool things that happened that night (FYI.. the other cool thing was Janet’s performance!). While watching the much talked about telecast, I realized that Lady Gaga is tha ish!

I’m not really a dance/pop music fan, so I don’t really love her for her music (pssst...I will say that Let’s Dance is a damn good dance song and Paparazzi is an awesome video!!)—it’s her crazy eccentric vibe that I love! I find her utter madness fascinating!

Her excessive and restrictive costume changes during the 2 ½ hour VMA telecast got weirder by the minute. She couldn’t even move her neck in that outrageous Victorian/bird outfit. Even her performance of Paparazzi was a little bizarre, but I like how she gave the show a shot of excitement....and horror! Heheheh.

What I like about her is that she exudes the drama of theatre, embraces the feel good vibe of dance music, and isn’t afraid to push the envelope. I’m not saying that I like everything that she does (is it me, or does the girl seriously hate clothes? And why is there always a close-up of her crotch?! Nasty! ), but I will admit that she does have a very creative sensibility.

She reminds me of Madonna when she first hit the scene. You weren’t sure if you should love or hate her, but you knew that she was a force to be reckoned with. You go, girl!

p.s Lady Gaga is featured on Wale’s single Chillin’. The hook is hot! Check out the video here

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